Erkin Guney, chairman of the Board of Trustees
Through his father Ramadan Guney, businessman Erkin Guney has been involved with the mosque since he was a child. Previously a director at Brookwood Cemetery, Mr Guney has extensive experience as a funeral director, a role he has continued at Masjid Ramadan since becoming a member of the Board of Trustees in 2012. He became Acting Chair in 2017 and was appointed chairman a year later. Since then, he has sought to widen the mosque’s engagement with the local community and to complete the building’s much-needed renovations.

Board of Trustees
The other trustee board members are Mrs Gulen Musa, Mr Abu Ahmed Khandker, Mr Eren Abdullah and Ms Sule Emete.

Advisory Committee
Religious Advisor – Zayd Al Khair
Religious Advisor – Husayn Hashim El Bakayi
Religious Advisor – Imam Abdullah Adeyemi

Management Committee

Mosque Co-ordinator – Anwar Patel

Madrasa Co-ordinator – Rowshanara Kabir

Our imams are from multiple ethnic backgrounds, offering an additional cultural richness to their daily and weekly Islamic sermons, teachings and services. They operate on rotation and we also have guest khatibs for Friday prayers and for special occasions.

Imam Nuh Karacan is an ever-present at the mosque from Monday through to Friday.

Funeral Director – Erkin Guney

Administrator – Melanie Kutcher


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